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Financial Literacy Workshops
At Sipnayan, we believe that a financially-sound household is important! Parents who has less financial worries will be able to focus more on their children. Students who have more parental support tend to succeed more in school and in life.
Better Budgeting
Mr. Joseph facilitated a parent workshop on Better Budgeting on November 3, 2018. Parents completed a budgeting template to develop a better budget plan for their family. During the workshop, parents also identified sources of unnecessary which they can avoid in the future.
Loans and Credits
Mr. Joseph facilitated a parent workshop on Loans and Credits on December 15, 2018. Parents learned the mathematical relationship between loans and credits, how to improve credit scores and the types of loans available that can help their children's education. Parents actively participated using technology and played Kahoots to determine how much they learned in the workshop.
Individual Income Tax
Mrs. Barnes facilitated a parent workshop on Individual Income Tax on January 19, 2019. Parents actively participated and learned this year's changes in tax laws. Through actual mathematical computations, parents realized the pros and cons of the tax changes and whether it benefits them or not. 

© 2017 SIPNAYAN Math Center and Afterschool Program - 21st CCLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Wilson, North Carolina

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