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Parent Literacy Workshop
Literacy workshops are mostly offered on Saturdays. It consist of different topics  which aims to strengthen parents' capacity to support their child academic success at home. Topics include financial literacy, technology literacy, healthy lifestyle and parenting on purpose. Refreshments are served.
Please click the links below to register for these workshops. Thank you!
Saturday, 10/12/19 - Personal Finance
Saturday, 10/26/19 - Savings & Investment
Saturday, 11/09/19 - To Be Announced
Saturday, 11/23/19 - To Be Announced
Saturday, 12/07/19 - To Be Announced
Saturday, 01/11/20 - To Be Announced
Saturday, 11/25/20 - To Be Announced
Saturday, 02/08/20 - To Be Announced
Saturday, 02/22/20 - To Be Announced
Saturday, 03/07/20 - To Be Announced
English Class for Non-English Speakers
En Sipnayan, abrazamos la diversidad. Damos la bienvenida, alentamos y apoyamos a las familias que hablan otros idiomas además del inglés. En el programa y los campamentos después de la escuela, contamos con personal para ayudar a los estudiantes que tienen el inglés como segundo idioma (ESL). Para garantizar que se brinde apoyo continuo en el hogar, ofrecemos clases de inglés gratuitas a los padres que estén dispuestos a dedicar dos horas de su tiempo los sábados para aprender el idioma inglés.
Translation: At Sipnayan, we embrace diversity. We welcome, encourage and support families who speak languages other than the English language. In the after school program and camps, we have staff to assist students who have English as their Second Language (ESL). To ensure that continued support is given at home, we offer free English class to parents who are willing to devote two hours of their time on Saturdays to learn the English language.
Regístrese Para la Clase de Inglés
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